Chiropractic treatment covers a wide variety of services to help patients who suffer from any form of pain or have been injured. The chiropractic adjustment involves finding and identifying areas in the spine or extremities that are lacking proper motion and applying a short, quick thrust to help increase range of motion to the area. A common misconception about chiropractic care is that all we do is perform spinal adjustments when, in reality, it refers to a profession that focuses on the treatment and recovery of any musculoskeletal injuries.
At Team Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, we have a team of chiropractors who are trained in many different treatment techniques to address a wide variety of injuries. This includes the chiropractic adjustment, soft tissue (muscle) work, and personalized rehab plans. We are specialists in conservative management of all injuries. Our office provides a natural alternative to recovery that is centered around movement, exercise, and hands-on therapy instead of surgical interventions or medications.
At Team Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, we have a team of chiropractors who are trained in many different treatment techniques to address a wide variety of injuries. This includes the chiropractic adjustment, soft tissue (muscle) work, and personalized rehab plans. We are specialists in conservative management of all injuries. Our office provides a natural alternative to recovery that is centered around movement, exercise, and hands-on therapy instead of surgical interventions or medications.